Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No Easter service?

Most Christian churches had special Easter services recently to celebrate or mark the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The Mormon church had an advertising campaign to tell the world that Mormons are Christians.

The Mormon Church remembered to fund an advertising campaign but according to latest reports from the pews, the vast majority of Mormon wards/branches forgot to have special Easter services and/or hardly commemorated this special event in the Christian calender.

Which is probably why the Mormon church has to keep telling people that it really is a Christian church...


AlexisAR said...

They think singing "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today' as one of the hymns qualifies as an adequate Easter acknowledgment.

Esclarecendo os mitos sobre a igreja mormón said...

Olá, se for possivel, acesse meu blog e tire suas duvidas, que sabe voce não entenda melhor os mórmons...