Sunday, May 18, 2008

My ex-Mormon book is finally coming closer to publication

Yes, after a year or so of thinking and a false start (an Acer laptop that bit the dust. Here's a tip. Don't buy Acer) my ex-Mormon book is finally taking shape.

At least initially I intend to publish it as an e-book and whilst I have yet to firmly fix a price, I am thinking about pricing it at somewhere in the range of $2.00 to $5.00. Though probably at the lower end of that range...

The book will basically be culled from my Blog, Not A Mormon. Although there will be some new material used in it, too. Not every post will be used, as some are not really relevant for a book on my experiences as an ex-Mormon.

The book is being edited and proofread, now. It is amazing how many typos can be found! And I am hoping that it will be published by the end of May.

I'll keep you updated on the book and it will be on sale through the Notamormon blog.

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