Sunday, November 18, 2007

It was snowing, earlier today. It turned to rain, and the snow did not stick.

Last Sunday was a good day. It was cold, but dry. We went to Birmingham for the Diwali celebrations. Saw some great performances, Bangra dancing and music, some live Bollywood style singing and dancing, some real Indian food, and a really good firework display.

Some of my wife's family are from India, which is why I get to go to such cool events.

We went with friends. We took the train from Shropshire and when we got back at 9pm it was so cold the car doors froze to the frame!

I would never have been able to attend such wonderful and culturally enriching events as a Mormon. Such things were never done. And if ever a Mormon does see traditional Indian dancing -for example- the Mormon will say in patronising terms: "That was very nice. But what a pity they do not have the light of the Gospel in their lives!" If only they knew!

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